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Senior Girls Volleyball


List of 17 events.

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Volleyball News

List of 3 news stories.

  • Athlete of the Week: Madik Trottier

    这位来自艾伯塔省麦克默里堡的九年级学生运动员有一个非凡的排球赛季. 她一直在寻求成为一个更好的球员,最近将跳发球纳入她的技术工具箱. 这个周末, at the team’s last tournament, 她不仅在场上表现出色,而且克服了自己的犹豫,连续三次起跳发球. 因为她整个赛季天生的运动能力和这个周末在球场上令人难以置信的领导能力, Athlete of the Week, from girls volleyball, Madik Trottier.
  • Athlete of the Week: Léa Matoush-St-Cyr

    This Grade 11 student-athlete from Chibougamau, Quebec has shown tremendous leadership over the past few weeks. On the volleyball court, 她在进攻端和防守端都发挥了重要作用. Léa has a natural talent for volleyball, but it's her work ethic, her quick decision-making during games and, 最重要的是, 她对队友非凡的体育精神使她成为一名了不起的球员. 她在逆境中保持积极,在比赛变得艰难时,她是第一个鼓励别人的人. 她是少有的在任何情况下都面带微笑坚持比赛的选手之一. Athlete of the week, from Girls Volleyball, Léa Matoush-St-Cyr.
  • Athlete of the Week: Karyme Olan Gallardo

    From 墨西哥 City and in Grade 10, Karyme在高中女子排球赛季有一个惊人的开始. Like the other girls on the team, 她非常兴奋能参加第一届年度女子排球锦标赛. 虽然这是她在队里的第一年,但她已经顶替了自己的位置. She arrives at each practice with a joie-de-vivre and intensity. 在比赛期间,她参与其中,并表现出真正的愿望,以提高和尽自己最大的努力. 当她坐在替补席上时,她继续鼓励她的队友,甚至其他球队. For her sportsmanship, hard work and great play over the past weekend, congratulations Athlete of the Week, Karyme Olan Gallardo.
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Coach 2023-24

Joannie Robitaille