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    • SB橄榄球旗

      某人-橄榄球- 2024

边境上大学 fields highly competitive rugby teams at the senior levels for boys and girls. The season is short but intense as athletes compete in the local high school level and in tournament play. 一个亮点是在新不伦瑞克省举行的年度橄榄球节锦标赛. 在2023年,高年级男孩进行了赛季前的法国和西班牙之旅. Both the boys and the senior girls were ETIAC 7s league and playoff champs.






  • 本周最佳运动员:查兹·格雷尼尔 & 顺波多野

    Chaz Grenier from Stanstead, Quebec showed true grit this past weekend at Rugbyfest in New Brunswick. In the finals, he was double-teamed and still managed to create offence. His strong play on defence resulted in numerous turnovers and momentum changes in the most critical moments of the championship game. 场外, Chaz leads by rallying everyone to be invested and push towards the end goal of team victory.

    The second student-athlete recognized this week, 顺波多野, is known as the “Tokyo 10.“他是一个拥有大量技术的电子球员. He can kick, see gaps in the defence and pass on a rope to his left and right. 在最重要的时候,他会把自己的比赛提升到另一个水平. These two Grade 12 leaders were instrumental in securing the championship banner in the Bonnycastle "B" Division. 


    上周的最佳运动员是守门员 路易斯·沙利文 和队长 查尔斯Genereux from U15 hockey who led the team to win the RSEQ Metro Division semi-final at home, 包括查尔斯在加时赛中的绝杀. 
  • 本周最佳运动员:扎卡里·索伊弗

    这位来自渥太华的12年级学生运动员, Ontario has been a dominant force on the senior boys rugby pitch as of late. He led the team in tries this past weekend and had a great performance last week at the BCS Jamboree. Zac pushes himself to the limit in every contest, and he plays the game the right way. Now that he has learned to run north-south, you hear fewer chants of “run straight, Soif!“更多的时候,他是球场上最大的威胁之一. 表彰他作为一名球员的出色成长, for being a student of the game and for his breakout performances this past week, 你的本周最佳运动员, 来自高中男生橄榄球, 圣扎迦利道理的。.
  • 本周最佳运动员:畑野顺

    This senior boy rugby player from Tsurumaki, 日本 was a leader on the field from start to finish. 上周参加了gmaa7s锦标赛的每一分钟, 在这一天的每一次成功中,畑野都发挥了重要作用. 他是踢球者,是比赛的主罚者,并负责所有的点球. For his consistent performance, he was recognized by the organizers as the tournament MVP. He followed that up with two more gutsy performances the next day at the opening RSEQ jamboree. Only in Grade 10, Shun plays the game the right way and loves his teammates. 作为这项运动的学生,他前途无量. 祝贺你,本周最佳运动员,顺哈丹.


