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Junior Boys Soccer

    • Junior Boys Soccer


在参加ETIAC联赛的过程中,班塔姆队和青年队的球员提高了比赛的技能和知识. In 2022, 班塔姆男子斯巴达人队自2002年以来首次夺得了ETIAC常规赛的旗帜.

2023 Schedule

List of 9 events.

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JB Soccer News

List of 5 news stories.

  • Athlete of the Week: Juan Patricio Oropeza Gonzalez

    这位来自墨西哥的学生运动员在今年秋天的初中男子足球场上表现出色. 他坚持不懈的决心和努力的工作并没有被队友和教练忽视. 胡安·帕特里西奥以身作则的激励和领导能力是他性格的真实证明. 他在球场上的表现一直证明了他对这项运动的天赋和热爱. 他的贡献无疑对球队的成功起了关键作用, 他的教练很感激他成为少年足球大家庭的一员. 因为以上所有的原因,也因为他在今年秋天打进了教练所见过的最漂亮的进球, your Athlete of the Week, from junior boys soccer, Juan Patricio Oropeza Gonzalez.
  • Athlete of the Week: Mauricio Lopez Sanchez

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  • Athlete of the Week: Henry Riddell

    By Erik Van Dyke
    It takes courage and confidence to be a soccer goalkeeper, especially when you’ve never played it before, 尤其是当你是一个七年级的学生和一个八年级的学生一起打球的时候, Grade 9s and even Grade 10s.
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  • Athlete of the Week: Diego Badillo Hernandez

    点球是所有体育运动中最令人紧张的时刻之一, especially in sudden-death playoffs, and especially for the goalie. 但本周的迭戈·巴迪略·埃尔南德斯并没有回避压力. Instead, this young man thrives on pressure.
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  • Athlete of the Week: Jayden Mullens

    来自联盟领先的少年男子足球队的杰登·马伦斯由于种种原因成为本周最佳运动员, not the least of which is his leadership on the field.
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